AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022. <br>Artificial intelligence and creatitity #AnuarioACE #CulturaEnDigital

AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022.
Artificial intelligence and creatitity

Presentation AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report. 31 May 2022 | Espacio Fundación Telefónica      
All attendees will receive a free printed copy of the AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022 and a Seebook for the digital download.      

PROGRAMME (see full programme in PDF >)   
> 10:30 Welcome.   
Pablo Gonzalo, Global Head of Knowledge and Digital Culture and Espacio Fundación Telefónica.   
José Andrés Torres Mora, president of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).   

> 10:45 a.m. - Panel 1. Challenges of the post-covid digital age in cultural heritage: libraries and museums.   
Trilce Navarrete, Professor of economic theory applied to culture at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.   
Carme Fenoll, director of the Department of Culture and Community of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.   
Pilar Gonzalo, MNCARS digital area.  
Presents and moderates: Isabel Izquierdo, programming director of AC/E   

> 11:45 a.m. Coffee break.   

> 12:15 p.m.  - Panel 2- Artificial intelligence and metaverse.   
Pau Alsina, professor and researcher of the Studies of Arts and Humanities at the Open University of Catalonia.   
Dani Seseña, director and presenter of Open Chamber (TVE).   
Covadonga Fernández, founder and director of Blockchain Media and Blockchain Observatory.   
Presents and moderates: Nuria Rodríguez, professor of Art History at the University of Malaga.   

> 1:30 p.m. Closure.  
Isabel Izquierdo, programming director of AC/E.   

The 2022 Annual Report analyzes in its first part of essays, different aspects of the latest digital trends and how they affect the cultural sector. In addition, it includes, as always, in its conclusions forecasts of each expert in the short and medium term with the aim of providing key content to cultural managers. It addresses topics such as data for cultural management and analysis, the transformation of libraries in the digital age, technological countercultures and techno-resistance practices, NTFs in the world of culture, the cultural metaverse, the growing culture of payment in digital culture and the evolution of the script as a support for all staging.

FOCUS 2022: Artificial Intelligence and Creativity  
AI has become not only a science and a technology, but also a true cultural phenomenon, a philosophical construction of which we can say that it is all these things as well as that it is none of them and that has been rather, it is about a pure fable, a chimera that has been updated over the years. Through case studies, we review how AI can function as a creative tool of established cultural practices, as well as its creative potential in its own right. This represents a resounding step forward in the process of digital transformation of culture and society.


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Presentation of the &#39;AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022&#39;
Presentation of the 'AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022'
AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022. FOCUS: Artificial Intelligence and Creation

AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2022. FOCUS: Artificial Intelligence and Creation

  • Type: Reports

The AC/E Digital Culture Yearbook is the result of internal reflection undertaken in 2013 by Acción Cultural Española on how to incorporate the digital dimension into its objectives and support the digitization of the cultural sector. It is, therefore, a publication that reflects the impact that the Internet is having on our society in order to deepen the transformation of the cultural sector and help its entities and professionals to create experiences in line with the expectations of users of the Internet. XXI century.
The Yearbook, with its analysis and identification of success stories in the application of new digital tools, allows professionals to learn about the latest trends in this field so that they can incorporate them into their work methodologies, thus increasing their presence in the website as well as that of the entities for which they work. It is, therefore, a publication that ultimately facilitates the dissemination of artistic and cultural content in the great public space that is the Internet.
The 2022 edition, which has a new advisory board, is structured in a first part in which professionals and specialists from the digital sector analyze trends in the world of culture in a transversal way and touching all disciplines, and a second, the Focus, in which we identify and define cases of good practice in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for artistic creation. AI has become not only a science and a technology, but also a true cultural phenomenon, a philosophical construction of which we can say that it is all these things as well as that it is none of them and that has been, rather, it is about a pure fable. This chimaera has been updated over the years. Through case studies, we review how AI can function as a creative tool of established cultural practices and its creative potential in its own right. This represents a resounding step forward in the process of digital transformation of culture and society.
The yearbooks are published in Spanish and English, in PDF and EPUB formats, and for free download under a Creative Commons license both on the Spanish Cultural Action website, in the digital publications section, and with the main national and international digital book distributors.

Resistance against the coloniality of technology. Paola Ricaurte Quijano
The growing culture of payment in the digital cultural world. Ismael Nafría
The cultural origins of the metaverse. Covadonga Fernandez
The impact of NFTs on the cultural sector. Eric Bartoletti   Berry Kilb
The transformation of libraries in the digital age. Carme Fenoll
Understanding digital cultural heritage: data analysis and cultural management. Trilce Navarrete
The denials of John Lennon: culture(s) are increasingly fragmented between networks. Daniel Marin
The script behind everything. The leading role and evolution of the script as a support for all staging. Robert BlancoVillar

Focus 2022. Artificial intelligence and creation. Pau Alsina




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