Credit & Publicity Kit for AC/E's Support

Below are instructions and tools to acknowledge AC/E's public funding, which will help show the link between our support and the excellent work you do. Your help with this effort is greatly appreciated, and any creative ways you can help publicize how we support your work are welcome.

Crediting AC/E

AC/E must be credited by using the logo or the credit line listed below.    

Different versions of the logo are downloadable here. The logo must be produced as a unit without alteration.

We recommend the following credit line:    
This programme/project/publication is supported in part by a grant from Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), a state agency.

Where to use the credit line and logo

Promotional Materials. Use the credit line and credit logo prominently in printed materials (this includes materials such as brochures, programs, newsletters, press releases, educational materials and announcements) as well as in films or videos.

Online Materials. Use the credit line or credit logo prominently in online materials (including websites, blogs, electronically distributed releases, and social media/networking channels). The electronic logo should link to our website,

Exhibition Signage. If there is no printed program for an exhibition, credit can be given through wall text, or a placard placed at the entrance to the exhibit or performance space. This must include AC/E's logo listed with other major public, private, and corporate sponsors, in proportional order of the size of contribution, or a placard crediting AC/E, placed at the entrance to the exhibit or performance space.

Educational Materials. Use the credit line or credit logo in educational materials distributed along with any AC/E-funded program/exhibition, such as brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc.

Verbal Credit. When written credit is not applicable, as in the absence of printed materials, verbal credit shall be given in presentations.

Advertising. Use the credit line and logo in print advertising as in the rest of the project's materials. 

For the approval of AC/E’s mention and correct use of the logo, proofs of cover and credit page must be sent to:       

For the digital promotion of the project launch, be sure to include @ACEcultura for our support and that of our followers.    

If you post about the project or AC/E’s PICE Programme on social media following its initial announcement, you are encouraged to continue to tag AC/E. 

If you have questions regarding the forms of acknowledgement, contact me at 


Crediting the PICE programme

Whenever possible, we appreciate that the beneficiary projects of the Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE) include, next to the AC/E logo, the PICE logo that we provide below:

Logo line:       

Different versions of the logo are downloadable here. Both logos must be reproduced as a unit without alteration.

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