Miguel Delibes Setién (October 17, 1920 - March 12, 2010), a Spanish novelist, journalist and newspaper editor but also a Professor of Commercial Law, passionate about hunting and the countryside ... and one of the most admired and original voices of Spanish literature of the second half of the 20th century. Therefore, these were common themes in his writing, and he often wrote from the perspective of a city-dweller who had not lost touch with the rural world.
He was one of the leading figures of post-Civil War Spanish literature, winning numerous literary prizes. Several of his works have been adapted into plays or have been turned into films, winning awards at the Cannes Film Festival among others. He has been ranked with Heinrich Böll and Graham Greene as one of the most prominent Catholic writers of the second half of the twentieth century.
→ Listen to the exhibition audios ►:
En estos audios José Sacristán pone su voz a varios textos escogidos de las obras fundamentales de Delibes:
→ "Cinco horas con Mario" - Listen ►
→ "El camino" - Listen ►
→ "El hereje" - Listen ►
→ "Las guerras de nuestros antepasados" - Listen ►
→ "Las ratas" - Listen ►
→ "Los santos inocentes" - Listen ►
→ "El príncipe destronado" - Listen ►
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