The film explores a journey from present to past, a dialogue between his life and his oeuvre. It is an opportunity to discover the work of Alberto Garcia-Alix through the language of documentary cinema. All in all it surveys the life and work of García Alix, making the spectator witness to a period and a generation that spans from the underground intellectuality of the 70s and the Madrid cultural movement known as the Movida to his artistic maturity and international recognition.
As Nicolas Combarro points out, “García-Alix’s life and artistic career allow us to trace the course of a Spanish social and artistic movement, which is always difficult to approach. The years I have spent working with him have given me a privileged insight into a way of understanding art from the inside”.
The film, directed by Nicolás Combarro (A Coruña, 1979), director, artist and exhibition curator, has been selected for the category of New Directors at the 65th San Sebastián Festival that will take place between 22 and 30 September.
Teaser: La línea de sombra from Morelli Producciones on Vimeo.