3rd Classical Campus Seminar. Time of Change 2012

3rd Classical Campus Seminar. Time of Change 2012

The Consorcio para la Conmemoración del II Centenario de la Constitución de 1812 (Consortium for the Celebration of the Bicentenary of the Constitution of 1812), Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) are for the third consecutive year presenting their permanent seminar "Campus Clásica", which for this edition will be focusing its educational content of the music of Classicism and Romanticism. The course aims to shape new audiences in the field of classical music and provide direct contact with concerts through explanations delivered by experts. The season is intended for those aged over 16.

The seminar lasts 30 hours for students attending in person, divided into eight sessions over the months from January to June, during which students will receive teaching from an expert in the field, and later attend a concert featuring the subject covered. These performances, although they are thematically connected with the season, will be free of charge and open to the general public, with most of them being staged at the Oratorio San Felipe Neri.

The course will take place at the Edificio Constitución 1812 (the former Cuartel La Bomba garrison), as part of the “Tiempo de cambios” (“Time of change”) season, with the clear aim of focusing analysis of the music produced in the years prior to and following the Cadiz Constitution.

The season begins on 24 January with the conference Del Galante al Clásico: estilos musicales en la 2ª mitad del S. XVIII (From Gallantry to Classical: musical styles in the 2nd half of the 18th century) , delivered by Javier Marín, a musicologist who trained at the Universidad de Granada, and Virginia Sánchez, a graduate in Music Science and History.

The seminar will continue on 14 February, when the pianist, composer, orchestra conductor and Sorbonne-trained musicologist Yvan Nommick will be speaking on La transición en Beethoven (Transition in Beethoven).

The following date in the season will be Tuesday, 20 March, addressing the theme of El cuarteto como expresión del Clasicismo musical (The Quartet as Expression of Musical Classicism). Eva Sandoval, who holds an intermediate level qualification in piano from the Conservatorio Profesional de León and the higher level in Musicology from the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Salamanca, will be giving the address.

The presentation on Saturday, 31 March will deal with El Clasicismo en España (Classicism in Spain), courtesy of José María Domínguez, who holds a doctorate from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, completed his advanced musical studies at the Conservatorio de Música de Madrid and is a flute specialist.

The fifth conference in the season will be entitled Romanticismo and feature the knowledge of Antonio Gómez Ramos, who holds a Ph.D. from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
On 8 May the baton will be passed on to José Máximo Leza, a graduate in Art History and Musicology who also holds a doctorate from the Universidad de Zaragoza, who will speak on Tonadillas y Zarzuelas en tiempos de cambios (Tonadillas and Zarzuelas in times of change) .

Lastly, Luis Gago, who trained at the Conservatorio Superior de Música, will bring the season of conferences to a close on Tuesday, 5 June, when he speaks on El laid romántico (The Romantic Lied).




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