About Compañía Colombiana de Danza Contemporánea: It was founded in June 2015, under the artistic direction of maestro Arlai González Padín. At present, the company has fifteen dancers. He has participated in national and international events such as the X International Ballet Festival in Cali, the 3rd International Dance Biennial in Cali and the XXI Old Havana Festival, Ciudad en Movimiento, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of Cuba and the Retazos Company, and as guests of the Thalia Theater in Suriname. The company has also had the participation of international choreographers such as Jorge Abril Santander; the Cuban choreographer, based in Germany, Julio César Iglesias, ; the French choreographer Davy Brun, current director of the Conservatoire de Lyon, France; the French choreographer Redha Benteifour, w and the Spanish choreographer Susana Pous.
About the Director of CCDC, Arlai González Padin: He is a graduate of the Higher Institute of Art of Havana, Cuba. He studied Graham technique at the National Ballet of Mexico. He has a long career in the field of contemporary dance, which has led him to give workshops and advice. He has worked for various dance training institutes such as the National School of Modern and Folkloric Dance, the Higher Institute of Art, the Experimental University of Venezuela and the Conservatory of Arts, in the Republic of Mali. He has participated in international dance festivals such as the Limburg Festival and the Vooropleiding Dans of Holland. Currently, he is a teacher of contemporary dance and creation of the Colombian Institute of Classical Ballet (Incolballet).