Colombia-Spain Cultural Focus 2018-2019

Colombia-Spain Cultural Focus 2018-2019

Focus / Year of Spain
01 January 2018 - 31 December 2019
This programme covers the various aspects of Spanish creation and culture in relation to each other and in fields where the culture sector is particularly strong in Colombia. Its aims include: to strengthen the presence and visibility of Spain in Colombia and to encourage cultural exchange; to help Spanish creators and cultural agents or residents gain a foothold in the country’s cultural circuits; to help familiarise creators, influencers and agents of Colombia’s various culture sectors with activities going on in their sector in Spain; to establish networking between Spanish and Colombian cultural institutions; and to improve the perception and image of Spain by showing its most contemporary culture.

The activities that come under this scheme will be performed at the most representative Colombian cultural venues. Many are part of specific programmes produced in collaboration with Colombian institutions, to ensure they reach the widest possible audiences and are given maximum media exposure and make the greatest possible impact on audiences. 

 Foco Webpage 

 Programme (leaflet PDF) >


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Focus Culture Spain-Colombia. Interview with Santiago Herrero
Focus Culture Spain-Colombia. Interview with Santiago Herrero
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The Prado Museum in ...
Heritage / History

The Prado Museum in ...

24 July - 25 August 2019

Bulevar del Río, Cali (Cali, Colombia)

This exhibition brings together a collection of 54 photographs reproduced at original scale depicting some of the emblematic exhibits of the Prado National Museum which will be installed in the major plazas and pedestrian streets in Bogota and Medellin. The original idea for this project came about in 2011 as collaboration between the Prado National Museum and the Spanish Agency for
Cycle of Spanish musicians in Colombia 2018-2019

Cycle of Spanish musicians in Colombia 2018-2019

29 june 2019

Auditorio. Museo Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia)

Within the framework of the Spain-Colombia Culture Focus, Accion Cultural Española AC/E in collaboration with the Colombian Foundation Arte sin Fronteras, produce this cycle of 12 concerts, with the aim of promoting the repertoire and the interpretive style of music in Spain, for the Colombian public. The participating musicians are Sergey Teslya (first violin of the National Orchestra of Spain),
2nd Conexión Hemisferio 2019
Performing Arts

2nd Conexión Hemisferio 2019

21 May - 24 May 2019

La Casa Encendida + Naves Matadero (Madrid, Spain)

Designed as a space for pooling and building knowledge on the exercise of cultural management in the performing arts, the second Conexión Hemisferio brings together in Madrid nearly 40 Spanish programmers and 12 Colombian cultural managers to discuss transversality. The event continues the work undertaken at the first edition held from 5 to 8 June 2018 at the Universidad Javierana in
The character of tradition in Barney's architecture | Távora | Coderch
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

The character of tradition in Barney's architecture | Távora | Coderch

10 May - 18 August 2019

Museo La Tertulia (Cali, Colombia)

This exhibition reflects on the ethos or character of architecture, and does so through the work of three architects, from three countries (on two continents) and not strictly contemporary with each other, but framed, with some nuance, in the very rich and complex framework of the so-called Modern Architecture, forged in the twentieth century: Benjamin Barney (Colombia, 1941), Fernando Távora
Johan Inger’s 'Carmen' performed by the CND at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá
Performing Arts

Johan Inger’s 'Carmen' performed by the CND at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá

24 April - 28 April 2019

Teatro Colón (Bogotá, Colombia)

As part of the activities scheduled for the Spain-Colombia Foco Cultura 2018/2019, AC/E is organising a performance of Carmen by the Compañía Nacional de Danza (CND) with a choreography by Johan Inger.    This two-act ballet was premiered by the Compañía Nacional de Danza on 9 April 2015 at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid. Inger’s approach to this universal myth makes
Residency programme El poder de borondo 2019
Literature and Books

Residency programme El poder de borondo 2019

12 April - 12 May 2019

Museo La Tertulia (Cali, Colombia)

María Pichel Llaquet is the Spanish artist who has win this residence organized by AC/E and Entreviñetas for Spanish illustrators, strip cartoonists and poster designers to create posters at the historic printing studio La Linterna based in the Colombian city of Cali, between the 12th April and May 12, 2019. More info about the procedure of the residency programmme >   CALL Period for submitting applications. From
2018 Entreviñetas Comic and Illustration Festival
Literature and Books

2018 Entreviñetas Comic and Illustration Festival

05 April - 12 May 2019

Varias sedes (Medellín, Colombia)

Within the framework of the “Foco Cultura España-Colombia” (Spanish / Colombian Culture Spotlight), AC/E has  programmed several activities at the festival with participation by Spanish artists  Toni Mascaró, Rubén Romero, Ana Penyas, Nicolas Castell, Álvaro Ortiz, José Jajaja, Ricardo Cavolo, Los Bravú and Enrique Bordes, just to name some.  Since 2010 this Festival has become the most significant narrative graphics event (comic, graphic novels, albums and drawings) in Colombia, and one
Fátima Miranda, voz, España - Tala Tala (y otros Clásicos)

Fátima Miranda, voz, España - Tala Tala (y otros Clásicos)

12 march 2019

Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo de Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)

AC/E supports, through the PICE Mobility grants,this concert of Fátima Miranda at the Estudio Theater (Teatro Mayor) of Bogotá on March 12 at 8:00 pm, within the Spain-Colombia Culture Focus. The artist presents a concert-performance in which a single voice in symbiosis with a very important and refined poetic component, gestural, visual, dramatic and humorous, is capable of moving to the
Yala. Aída Colmenero
Performing Arts

Yala. Aída Colmenero

16 february 2019

Centro Cultural Teatro Materón (Palmira, Colombia)

Yala is a work that is based on the thought forms of the original peoples of the world, it is a tribute, defense and celebration of the earth and the body in its relationship with the territory. Yala means earth. Earth is life, earth is history. It comes from the name Abya Yala, "land in its full maturity" or "land
JOAN BENASSAR. AC/E and Flora Ars+Natura residency 2019
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

JOAN BENASSAR. AC/E and Flora Ars+Natura residency 2019

04 February - 30 November 2019

Casa Flora (Bogotá, Colombia)

 Joan Bennassar (1991, Palma de Mallorca) is the artist selected by the panel of experts to enjoy an #ACEartesvisuales and FLORA ars+natura #2019 residency. Joan Bennassar’s artistic practice is based on exploration and the relationship between the various parts of an artwork in the exhibition space. His work springs from an interest in representational mechanisms in architecture and design and in unravelling the complex interactions between
Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2019

Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2019

31 January - 03 February 2019

Hay Festival Cartagena (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia)

The Hay Festival of Cartagena de Indias brings together every January great authors and thinkers who work in collaboration with the local community and experts in different cultural aspects. Literature, visual arts, film, music, geopolitics, journalism, and the environment are mixed in an atmosphere of dialogue and celebration with which the local population is fully turned. AC/E and Hay Festival
Residencia para profesionales de la danza en Colombia 2018
Performing Arts

Residencia para profesionales de la danza en Colombia 2018

15 January - 15 February 2019

Compañía Nacional de Danza, Incolballet (Bogotá, Colombia)

Los ganadores de esta convocatoria son Iñaki Azpillaga que podrá disfrutar de una residencia profesional en la Compañía de Danza Residente del Teatro Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (Bogotá, Colombia), entre octubre y noviembre de 2018, y Aída Colmenero en la Compañía Nacional de Danza, Incolballet (Bogotá, Colombia), entre enero y febrero de 2019. Ambos artistas podrán disponer en cualquier de estos centros
"Without Borders". Programme with the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia 2018

"Without Borders". Programme with the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia 2018

15 november 2018

Teatro Colón (Bogotá, Colombia)

This collaboration between AC/E and the Colombian Symphony Orchestra is part of the programme framed in the Spain-Colombia Culture Focus, and consists of five concerts that the OSNC will carry out during 2018 and in which will take part the Spanish soloists Juan Carlos Fernández Nieto (piano, 17 May 2018), Josu de Solaun (piano, September 13, 2018) and Manuel Blanco
International Meeting of Women Poets at Cereté 2018
Literature and Books

International Meeting of Women Poets at Cereté 2018

06 November - 11 November 2018

Encuentro Internacional de Mujeres Poetas Cereté (Cereté, Colombia)

Every year the National and International Meeting of Women Poets, the 25 edition of which takes place in 2018, invites a group of about 40 Colombian and foreign poets notable for the quality of their poetry and literary careers to take part in a programme of poetry recitals, readings, lectures, introduction to poetry workshops, discussion panels, book launches, interviews with
Special programme for the Colombia-Spain Cultural Focus at the Teatro Mayor de Bogotá 2018

Special programme for the Colombia-Spain Cultural Focus at the Teatro Mayor de Bogotá 2018

06 november 2018

Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo de Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)

Within the program organized by AC/E in Colombia during 2018 and 2019, the Spain-Colombia Foco Cultura, the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Theater in Bogota has programmed Spanish artists and companies: the National Ballet of Spain, Ricardo Gallén, Patricia Guerrero, Perpoc, or Sigma Project Quartet. This programme aims to promote among the Colombian public, the dynamism of Spanish culture. Programme: 7 JUL 20.00h Teatro Estudio "De España vengo" Gonzalo Montes, barítono, Colombia - Miquel Ortega, piano, Spain 12 AGO 15h Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo Pasadas las 4: "Cuentos de un ciempiés: Unos van de canto, otros del revés " 13 SEP 20.00h Teatro Estudio Ricardo Gallén: Guitar recital 28 and 29 SEP 20h Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo Patricia Guerrero: "Catedral" - "Festival de Flamenco" 6 OCT 20h Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo Farruquito: "Festival de Flamenco" 27 OCT 11h Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo Compañía de marionetas Perpoc:
Residencia para profesionales del circo en Colombia 2018
Performing Arts

Residencia para profesionales del circo en Colombia 2018

01 November - 31 December 2018

Incubaxion Teatro (Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia)

Los ganadores de esta convocatoria son Zenaida Alcalde que podrá disfrutar de una residencia profesional en el Colectivo Escénico Teatro Transeúnte (Pasto, Nariño) entre octubre y noviembre de 2018, y Arnau Andreu y Oriol Escursell en el Incubaxión (Piedecuesta, Santander) entre noviembre y diciembre de este mismo año. Ambos artistas podrán disponer en cualquier de estos centros de un espacio de trabajo adecuado y compartir con las compañías sus
2018 City of Medellín 24th International Zarzuela, Operetta and Opera Season

2018 City of Medellín 24th International Zarzuela, Operetta and Opera Season

12 October - 13 October 2018

Teatro Metropolitano de Medellín (Medellín, Colombia)

The 24th City of Medellín International Zarzuela, Operetta and Opera Season 2018 will feature a repertoire of three (3) major lyrical performances, in addition to other educational activities seeking to enhance social transformation and cultural get-togethers with children, young  people and adults alike, so that they are able to enjoy these performances apt for the World's major capitals. Likewise, the
Francisco López. Hyper-Rainforest
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

Francisco López. Hyper-Rainforest

10 October - 12 November 2018

Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín (Medellín, Colombia)

‘Hyper-Rainforest’ is an immersion in sound, presented as an installation, created from original environmental recordings by the author over a period of twenty years in rain-forests and jungles all over the planet. It can be seen (and heard) at MAMM from 10th October to 12th November, with a live performance by the artist at the museum on 3rd October.
Festival of Books for Children and Young People 2018
Literature and Books

Festival of Books for Children and Young People 2018

01 October - 31 October 2018

Varias sedes (Bogotá, Colombia)

The 12th Festival of Books for Children and Young People is held in October 2018 and is one of the most important children's and youth literature events of the second semester of the year in Colombia. In this edition, the Fourth Booksellers Encounter and the Second Critic Seminar take place. The Fourth Booksellers Encounter seeks to bring together national and international
Residence pogramme at En Lugar a Dudas (Colombia) 2018
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

Residence pogramme at En Lugar a Dudas (Colombia) 2018

01 October - 31 December 2018

Lugar a dudas (Cali, Colombia)

Ana Bilbao is the curator selected for this open call residence in the field of artistic creation. She will develop a six-week residence in Lugar a Dudas (Cali), between October and December 2018. The residence also offers the possibility to incorporate, during this period, short stays in other Colombian institutions that may be of interest for the research that the resident
Feria del Libro de Manizales 2018
Literature and Books

Feria del Libro de Manizales 2018

25 September - 30 September 2018

Centro Cultural Universitario Rogelio Salmona (Caldas, Colombia)

La Feria del Libro de Manizales es un evento anual, gestionado por la Universidad de Caldas como estrategia para la circulación de contenidos literarios y autores, que pretende llegar a diferentes públicos y capas sociales mediante una variada programación y oferta cultural. Se desarrolla durante el mes de septiembre Para la novena edición de la Feria del Libro de Manizales se
Jazz al Parque 2018

Jazz al Parque 2018

22 September - 23 September 2018

Parque El Country Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)

The female voices are the protagonists of the Festival Jazz al Parque 2018, a music festival that brings together some of the best artists of this genre in the Parque el Country de Bogotá, on September 22 and 23. The guest list is headed by Rene Marie of the United States, Daymé Arocena, one of the most charismatic representatives of current
Medellin Book and Culture Festival 2018
Literature and Books

Medellin Book and Culture Festival 2018

07 September - 16 September 2018

Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura de Medellín (Medellín, Colombia)

Every year, the Medellin Book and Culture Festival dedicate 10 days to books, art and culture, not only of Colombia but other countries as well. With an attractive programme and a list of over 300 well known guests, there will be talks, book launches, exhibitions, parades and concerts.  It is one of the most important literary events in Latin America, attended
Zurbarán on display at Banco de la República in Bogota. Guest painting 2018
Heritage / History

Zurbarán on display at Banco de la República in Bogota. Guest painting 2018

06 September - 29 October 2018

Museo Casa Moneda | Banco de la República (Bogotá, Colombia)

For the first time in history this famous painting by the painter Francisco de Zurbarán is displayed in Bogota within the framework of “Foco Cultural España-Colombia” (Spanish / Colombian Culture Spotlight) It will be on display for two months, from September to November 2018, at “Casa de Moneda”, the Banco de la República exhibition hall in Bogota. The painting depicts a
From doodles to pixels. Over a hundred years of Spanish animation

From doodles to pixels. Over a hundred years of Spanish animation

04 September - 08 September 2018

Festival Pixelatl: Animación, Videojuegos, y Cómic (Cuernavaca, Mexico)

The project, which was presented at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival this June, is now travelling to Barcelona. It has taken two years’ research to produce and has involved recovering materials, some of which were out of circulation on account of their condition. They will be screened in several sessions at the concert hall of the CCCB. From 15 to
The Pereira Luna de Locos International Poetry Festival 2018
Literature and Books

The Pereira Luna de Locos International Poetry Festival 2018

28 August - 01 September 2018

Luna de Locos. Festival de Poesía de Pereira (Pereira, Colombia)

The Pereira Luna de Locos International Poetry Festival is one of the most important events for  This year, AC/E is supporting a special programme within the framework of the  “Foco Cultura España-Colombia” with participation by the artists Iona Gruia and Luis Muñoz.  Ioana Gruia (Bucarest, 1978) living in Granada since 1997, where she teaches Comparative Literature at the University. She has written several
Rock al Parque 2018 Festival

Rock al Parque 2018 Festival

18 August - 20 August 2018

Parque Simón Bolivar (Bogotá, Colombia)

AC/E is collaborating with the “Instituto Distrital de las Artes Idartes de Bogotá” (Bogota District Institute of Arts) within the “Foco Cultural España-Colombia” programme (Spanish / Colombian Culture Spotlight) at this edition of “Rock al Parque” supporting participation by the Spanish bands: La M.O.D.A., Bala, Quentin Gas & Los Zíngaros and Angelus Apátrida. This is one of the biggest free Rock
BAM 2018. Bogotá Audiovisual Market

BAM 2018. Bogotá Audiovisual Market

09 July - 13 July 2018

Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)

The Bogota Audiovisual Market (BAM) is Colombia’s most important audiovisual market, organized by the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and Proimagenes Colombia with support from the Film Development Fund (FDC). BAM has become a can’t-miss event for the Colombian audiovisual industry, striving to publicize Colombia’s wide offering of completed films, films in post-production, projects in development, and audiovisual production services. It’s an
Conexión Hemisferio 2018, Encuentro para el Diálogo Creativo y Permanente entre Pares
Performing Arts

Conexión Hemisferio 2018, Encuentro para el Diálogo Creativo y Permanente entre Pares

05 June - 08 June 2018

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)

‘Conexión Hemisferio, Encuentro para el Diálogo Creativo y Permanente entre Pares’ ('Hemisphere Connection, Encounter for Creative and Permanent Dialogue between Peers') is a meeting that brings together Spanish and Colombian specialists to discuss about the future of performing arts, with topics such as the adaptation of spaces for the arts, economic and financial management, recruitment of resources, among others. The meeting
Pliegues y Despliegues 2018
Performing Arts

Pliegues y Despliegues 2018

24 May - 02 June 2018

Varias sedes (Bogotá, Colombia)

AC/E supports in this fifth edition, within the framework of the Spain-Colombia Culture Focus, the guest artist-researcher Ignacio de Antonio, with the work "What we no longer see - This is no longer seen", an innovative proposal of choreographic research on censorship and its relation to bodies and things. The fifth edition of the Festival revolves around the infinite possibilities of
Ecosistema Arte 2018 - Encuentro profesional de las artes visuales. 3a edición
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

Ecosistema Arte 2018 - Encuentro profesional de las artes visuales. 3a edición

20 April - 21 April 2018

Varias sedes (Medellín, Colombia)

Ecosistema Arte es el único Encuentro Profesional de las artes visuales y plásticas en América Latina. AC/E, a través de sus ayudas PICE de movilidad, apoya la participación de Carles Guerra como invitado a este encuentro con sedes en Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cartagena y Medellín. Guerra, junto con otros investigadores, teóricos y críticos de arte, analizará el concepto de ecosistema, que
FILBo 2018. 31st International Book Fair of Bogota
Literature and Books

FILBo 2018. 31st International Book Fair of Bogota

17 April - 02 May 2018

Corferias Bogotá. Centro internacional de negocios y exposiciones (Bogotá, Colombia)

As part of the programme in the Spanish Culture Focus in Colombia, AC/E has organized the Spanish presence in this year's FILBo by supporting the participation of a large group of authors and other Spanish professionals in the "Otra mirada" meetings.   The Bogotá international book fair (FILBO) is one of the most important literary events of Latin America. It has half a million
FICCI 2018, Cartagena International Film Festival

FICCI 2018, Cartagena International Film Festival

28 February - 05 March 2018

FICCI Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia)

FICCI, the International Film Festival of Cartagena de Indias, has been running for 57 years. During this time it has screened more than five thousand films, promoting in particular the production of Latin American and Ibero-American films and highlighting the work of producers, directors, actors and members of the regional industry. For this 58th edition, the festival has invited several Spanish
AC/E and Flora Ars+Natura Residency 2018
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

AC/E and Flora Ars+Natura Residency 2018

05 February - 13 December 2018

Casa Flora (Bogotá, Colombia)

The artists selected for this residency has been Belén Rodríguez and Luz Broto. They will be actively participate at the Flora Ars+Natura school between February 5 and December 13 2018, attending all the activities on the school's academic calendar, such as workshop visits, seminars and study groups, as well as presenting results in the Open Workshops. The programme includes seminars
Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2018
Literature and Books

Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2018

25 January - 27 January 2018

Hay Festival Cartagena (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia)

The Hay Festival of Cartagena de Indias brings together every January great authors and thinkers who work in collaboration with the local community and experts in different cultural aspects. Literature, visual arts, film, music, geopolitics, journalism, and the environment are mixed in an atmosphere of dialogue and celebration with which the local population is fully turned.   AC/E and Hay Festival Cartagena
International Meeting of Women Poets at Cereté 2017
Literature and Books

International Meeting of Women Poets at Cereté 2017

01 November - 05 November 2017

Encuentro Internacional de Mujeres Poetas Cereté (Cereté, Colombia)

Every year the National and International Meeting of Women Poets, the 24rd edition of which takes place in 2017, invites a group of about 40 Colombian and foreign poets notable for the quality of their poetry and literary careers to take part in a programme of poetry recitals, readings, lectures, introduction to poetry workshops, discussion panels, book launches, interviews with
Towards an Expanded Architecture. Los Carpinteros
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

Towards an Expanded Architecture. Los Carpinteros

28 October 2017 - 27 January 2018

NC-arte (Bogotá, Colombia)

Los Carpinteros present in Colombia his work "Sala de lectura" ("Reading Room"), a large-scale wooden structure that refers to the style of panoptic prisons designed by the philosopher Jeremy Bentham at the end of the seventeenth century, and implemented in Cuba in the 1920s in the Prison Modelo, a prison built on the Isla de la Juventud. It is a curved
Cristóbal Soler and Lorena Valero at the Orquesta Sinfónica de Sao Paulo 2017

Cristóbal Soler and Lorena Valero at the Orquesta Sinfónica de Sao Paulo 2017

13 october 2017

Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

The Symphonic Orchestra of of Sao Paulo, with the collaboration of AC/E, is organising a concert with the prestigious Spanish conductor Cristóbal Soler to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Enrique Granados. Alexis Soriano is one of the most prominent orchestra conductors of his generation. A student of Ilya Musin at the St Petersburg conservatory, he was assistant conductor
'Sin principio / sin final', Ignasi Aballí
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

'Sin principio / sin final', Ignasi Aballí

04 October 2017 - 24 February 2018

Museo de Arte de la Universidad de Colombia en Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)

Sin principio / sin final (without beginning or end) is an anthological exhibition of the work of the artist Ignasi Aballí (Barcelona, 1958). Curated by João Fernandes, it was held at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía from October 2015 to March 2016 and featured a few works that were shown for the first time. The show is now travelling to the Museo
AC/E and Lugar a dudas Curators' Residencies 2017
Visual Arts / Architecture / Design

AC/E and Lugar a dudas Curators' Residencies 2017

01 September - 13 October 2017

Lugar a dudas (Cali, Colombia)

Lugar a dudas is an independent non-profit space which promotes and disseminates contemporary artistic creation through a process of research, production and open discussion. Its programme of residencies, started up in 2006, is aimed at artists, curators, writers and other agents in the field of art who wish to explore and examine different forms of interaction that promote collaboration between
Luna de Locos. Pereira International Poetry Festival 2017
Literature and Books

Luna de Locos. Pereira International Poetry Festival 2017

29 August - 02 September 2017

Luna de Locos. Festival de Poesía de Pereira (Pereira, Colombia)

Pereira International Poetry Festival, Luna de Locos, is one of the most important poetry events in Colombia. Its cultural agenda extends to schools, libraries, universities, theatres and parks of Pereira and the seven municipalities of Risaralda, and involves setting up meetings between young Colombians and poets, both national and international. In 2017, the festival will welcome guests from Spain, Belgium, Italy, Israel, England,

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